New Territory

I’m at a little bit of a loss.  I’m sitting here on a Monday afternoon, and the baby is taking a completely unexpected nap.  I’ve managed to get through several tasks (writing and otherwise) that I wanted to get through today, and I suddenly have some free time to spend.  But all of the story drafts I’ve been working on (or thinking about going back to) suddenly seem wholly unsatisfactory.  In fairness, several of the ideas have been hanging around the mental street corner, acting suspicious, for several years.

I find myself thirsting for something new.  I suppose that means that I should be brainstorming new story ideas, which, of course, makes my brain clench up defensively.

Actually, I think that what’s going on here is that I’m having a moment where I feel more or less on top of things, which is not a feeling I’ve had often in the last four years or so.  Not that I don’t have other things I need to do, but with several stories out in submission and the latest round of dirty diapers successfully moved from the travel pouches to the can in the nursery, it just seems like Monday is going well.

And the baby just woke up, so maybe the magic is over for another day.  Still, I’m betting that I’ll get back to writing later in the day.  Dare I say, I feel motivated.

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